
Island Queen Ferry, Falmouth station

Рекомендують 18 місцевих жителів,
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Поради від місцевих

August 27, 2017
Ferry to Oaks Bluff on Martha's Vineyard
Naldo & Liliana
June 15, 2017
The ferry to Martha's Vineyard
August 7, 2018
Want to go to take the ferry to Martha's Vineyard? You can walk here from the cottage. They allow bikes (for a fee) but you can't bring your car over. Who needs a car on MV when they rent mo-peds? They also have public buses on the island.
August 12, 2015
fast ferry to Martha's Vineyard
March 9, 2021
One of the easier ways to get to Martha’s Vineyard! The ferry goes to Oaks Bluff! Parking is easy and 200 yards from the dock. It’s a 35 minute ride! Enjoy a cup of chowder or a cocktail! A MUST do day trip to the island! May28th-Oct 11th.

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Falmouth, MA