
Хорватський Національний театр у Загребі

Рекомендують 346 місцевих жителів,

Поради від місцевих

November 18, 2021
The Croatian National Theater in Zagreb is the oldest Croatian theater institution that officially began operating on November 24, 1860. Its foundation was one of the most important tasks of the revival cultural program.
November 7, 2018
Croatian National Theatre.
April 1, 2018
The Croatian National Theatre is Zagreb's biggest theatre, opera and ballet house. For foreigners, opera and ballet shows are probably best option, because they are language barrier free. Occasionaly, some other performances are subtitled in English. The repertoire is very rich, including the world classics, national tradition and contemporary works. The building from the outside is also worth seeing.
The Croatian National Theatre is Zagreb's biggest theatre, opera and ballet house. For foreigners, opera and ballet shows are probably best option, because they are language barrier free. Occasionaly, some other performances are subtitled in English. The repertoire is very rich, including the wor…
February 17, 2018
ballet, opera, drama... you can enjoy the beauty of the exterior of the building in day-time sightseeing, and enjoy the opera or ballet in the evening
October 2, 2016
Beautiful theatre! So charming!

Унікальні заходи поблизу

Прогулянка Загребом з тунелями Другої світової війни та прогулянкою на фунікулері
Загребська пішохідна екскурсія на фунікулері та два туннелі
Комунізм та військовий тур по хорватській батьківщині

Місцеві жителі також рекомендують

15 Trg Republike Hrvatske
Zagreb, Grad Zagreb