Цікаве місце

Хілл Хаус

Рекомендують 60 місцевих жителів,

Поради від місцевих

March 21, 2020
Restored mansion and bespoke interiors designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, with formal gardens.
October 10, 2018
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Hill House and garden.
May 3, 2018
Well worth a visit to see the realisation of the interior design of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife Margaret MacDonald. Good tearoom and gift shop. National Trust owned. Open afternoons.
Albero Properties
April 7, 2018
Designed by Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now a National Trust of Scotland property. Well worth visiting.
August 4, 2015
Rennie MacKintosh designed house. Open to the public

Унікальні заходи поблизу

Історична прогулянка з гідом Luss
  1. Культурна екскурсія
  2. 1,5  години

Місцеві жителі також рекомендують

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