
Berkhamsted Castle

Рекомендують 25 місцевих жителів,

Поради від місцевих

Corinne & Gareth
April 23, 2022
Lovely place for a walk and a bit of history
Lilli & Dan
November 3, 2019
Berkhamsted Castle is a Norman motte-and-bailey castle in Berkhamsted. The castle was built to obtain control of a key route between London and the Midlands during the Norman conquest of England in the 11th century. Remains of the castle can be visited free of charge.
December 7, 2019
This is owned by English Heritage but is open to all with no charge. On the weekends the little house is open with a small display and some one to explain the castle
April 9, 2022
Berkhamsted Castle is a Norman motte-and-bailey castle in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. The castle was built to obtain control of a key route between London and the Midlands during the Norman conquest of England in the 11th century.
February 21, 2020
Free of charge; a great example of a motte and Bailey castle

Унікальні заходи поблизу

Сапсерфінг - нічний Хертфордшир
  1. Падлбординг
  2. 1,5  години

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White Hill
Berkhamsted, England