Цікаве місце

Canoe rental Utrecht

Рекомендують 66 місцевих жителів,

Поради від місцевих

February 10, 2018
Best way to explore the city by canoe or boat
May 2, 2016
No better way to appreciate the old city centre than to rent a canoe and explore the famous canals and wharfs of Utrecht.
Remco & Malou
June 9, 2015
Rent a canoe and see the canals, streets and city from an unique perspective
December 29, 2014
Supercool thing to do: rent a canoe or a little electric boat and discover the city! Cool for kids too. Maps and routes available.
July 4, 2014
make a trip by waterbike or cano on the channels

Унікальні заходи поблизу

Екскурсія на каяках по Утрехту
Велопрогулянка Утрехтом
Святкова фотозйомка в Утрехті

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275 Oudegracht
Utrecht, UT