
The Boat

Рекомендують 12 місцевих жителів,

Поради від місцевих

January 2, 2019
It's just across the road.
Corinne & Gareth
July 15, 2022
Serving a range of craft beers and great food, this pub has a great atmosphere and canalside garden so you can admire the narrowboats passing by on the Grand Union.
January 26, 2020
Lovely in the summer to sit out on the canal.
April 27, 2017
Located on the Grand Union Canal a pub that offers good pub grub. On fine days you can drink and eat overlooking the canal. Very popular when the sun shines.
November 14, 2019
Great pub food, terrific beers ( and gins) and views of the Grand Union Canal

Унікальні заходи поблизу

Сапсерфінг - нічний Хертфордшир
  1. Падлбординг
  2. 1,5  години

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