Державна установа або освітній заклад

University of Glasgow

Рекомендують 266 місцевих жителів,

Поради від місцевих

March 1, 2020
Picturesque buildings with a couple of museums as-well
October 31, 2018
Looks like it belongs to Harry Potter with the quadrangle and gothic towers. The anatomy museum is super interesting
September 5, 2018
Possibly the most stunning of buildings next to Glasgow Art Galleries the city has to offer. Have a walk on the grounds to get a very ancient feel and kid on your at Hogwarts. It also has a cracking view of the city on the other side.
June 7, 2018
Incredible, historic building with beautiful sights. Amazing view from south of the main building. Hunterian & anatomy museum very interesting. Guides & maps available.
May 18, 2018
Only 2 minutes walk to see this stunning building

Унікальні заходи поблизу

Базові зручності Глазго: пішохідна екскурсія
Легендарне вуличне мистецтво Глазго - унікальна екскурсія Глазго
Знайдіть прихованого Глена в лісі Шотландії
89 Dumbarton Rd
Glasgow City, Scotland