Книжковий магазин

Trago Liskeard

Рекомендують 35 місцевих жителів,
Two Waters Foot, England

Поради від місцевих

April 14, 2022
Trago Mills seems to sell just about everything at good prices. When we first moved to Cornwall we visited looking for decorating materials and left with a Sit On Lawn Mower !!
February 23, 2022
Large home and lifestyle store. The perfect place to stock on beach supplies including wetsuits (subject to availability). Located approximately 20 minutes away just beyond Liskeard.
September 29, 2018
Anything and everything is sold at Trago! A Cornish iconic landmark!
July 23, 2017
Bargain hunter's paradise!
April 14, 2017
Trago is a local institution! It's hard to describe, but a quirky emporium with bags of character comes close. Eccentric and potty are words that also spring to mind. They have absolutely everything, including the kitchen sink. Prices are low and it's fun to find your way around this former gunpowder mill turned into a massive shop. Selection of food shops on site for lunch too. Great for a rainy day and to find gifts to take home.
Trago is a local institution! It's hard to describe, but a quirky emporium with bags of character comes close. Eccentric and potty are words that also spring to mind. They have absolutely everything, including the kitchen sink. Prices are low and it's fun to find your way around this former gunpowde…

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